Which cycle are you in right now? I’ve been watching my mind dance back and forth between the two. So much of what I’m doing right now puts me on the far edge of my comfort zone. These growth cycles are rarely comfortable. It’s great when I can notice and laugh about it. Take the plunge despite it all, trust the process.
Other times I spend waaaaaay too much time wordsmthing emails, agonizing about how things are going to go over. The feat trips the doubt and that calls in the overthinking cavalry- making my mind a thunderous place. And then I notice the tightness in my shoulders and I take a deep breath. Starting over without all the judgement is such a gift.
Connecting with hope, faith or a sense of purpose. So sweet. Even when I know I’ll be back in the doubt cycle at some point in the near future. We feel it all, and in strengthening that ability to “be with” we get good at going with the flow. up…. down…. up ….. down….