Breathwork Circle: Fear & Uncertainty
What would change if you were able to connect with the experience of uncertainty, not as something to fear, but as a gateway to possibility. What would help you to feel guided and supported when navigating loss or disappointment? How freeing would it be to see experiences as an opportunities rather than an obstacles?
The mind is the author of all things. Where we point it colors our experience. We can began to train our mind to see and move into the open spaces rather than focusing on paths that are closed. The expanded consciousness we cultivate in Breathwork softens and releases the resistance we normally experience in the face of fear and uncertainty. As the energy shifts the intuition opens and new ideas and connections can begin to flow around the “obstacles”.
Feel free to bring along a small object that represents the thought, person, or situation you’d like to direct your energy towards. You can place it on the altar during the Circle, charging it up as a reminder for yourself of your intention as you move out into the world.